Commission Orders Lycée Français to negotiate with Tozen

February 26, the Tokyo Labor Commission ordered Lycée Français International de Tokyo to stop refusing to negotiate with Tozen Union and its local Union des Personnels du Lycée Français international de Tokyo(UPL). The school had refused to discuss any demand that had been previously discussed and any demand that it said should only be discussed by the HR Committee.

The labor commission ruled that this constitutes an illegal refusal to negotiate, an unfair labor practice under Article 7 of the Trade Union Act.

The ruling rejected the school’s argument that even though it refused to negotiate, there was “no need for redress” since management subsequently negotiated. The commission also ordered the school to write a letter to Tozen Union and the UPL promising not to do it again.

Chers et Chères Membres de UPL

J’espère que tout le monde se porte bien.

① J’aimerais vous faire part de l’évolution de notre affaire de pratiques de travail déloyales devant la Commission du travail de Tokyo. Le 26 février 2025, nous avons reçu un verdict favorable. La commission a estimé que le Lycée français international de Tokyo avait commis des pratiques déloyales de travail en refusant de négocier sur des questions décidées par le CRH et sur des questions déjà discutées. La commission a également ordonné à l’école de nous envoyer une lettre promettant de ne pas recommencer.

« La défenderesse, le Lycée Français international de Tokyo, doit remettre la lettre suivante au Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union et au Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Union des Personnels du Lycée Français international de Tokyo dans un délai d’une semaine à compter de la réception de la présente ordonnance :

A : Président exécutif Hifumi Okunuki, Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union, et Président exécutif Nerea Chica, Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union des Personnels du Lycée Français international de Tokyo,
De : Claudia Scherer-Effosse, Lycée Français international de Tokyo,

La Commission du travail de Tokyo a certifié que notre organisation 1) a refusé de négocier avec vos syndicats lors de la session de négociation collective du 8 octobre 2021, répondant à l’ordre du jour demandé par vos syndicats en disant des choses telles que c’est une question qui doit être délibérée par le Comité des ressources humaines (CRH), et nous pouvons vous répondre après qu’il ait délibéré et pris une décision globale ; et a commis une pratique de travail déloyale en répondant pendant la négociation collective seulement que nous avons déjà répondu à cette question.

Nous veillerons à ne pas répéter l’infraction susmentionnée.’

Le défendeur fera rapidement rapport à cette commission du travail après s’être acquitté de l’obligation susmentionnée.»

La direction du LFIT n’a pas envoyé la lettre requise. Il est possible que la direction envisage de faire appel de la décision. Cette victoire est le fruit d’un effort collectif. Merci à toutes les personnes impliquées.


Gaba Teachers Interviewed

Gaba is forcing teachers to register as “qualified invoice issuers” in order to shift a new tax burden onto those who provide Gaba’s main service.
Podcaster Ryan Michaels grills Tozen Gaba Workers Union leader Musashi Sakazaki and union rep Louis Carlet on the details.From the notes on the show:
Ryan welcomes a panel from Japan’s Tozen union to discuss working conditions at a prominent English school (eikaiwa) in Japan. A slew of bad policy decisions from Gaba Corporation including forcing instructors (treated as independent contractors by the corporation) into a qualified invoice system, has led to union action and recent strikes. Another new horrific policy announcement would see teachers fined per lesson if they become unable to teach, which could even result in a negative paycheck. In addition to demanding an end to the qualified invoice system requirements, Gaba Instructors, who have not received a raise since 2008, are fighting for a modest raise of 200 yen per lesson ($1.33 U.S. as of the currency exchange rate on 11/06/23). Ryan and the panel discuss the importance of unions, past victories Tozen has achieved for workers, and how Gaba instructors as well as counselors can join the union and strengthen bargaining power in the fight for fair working conditions. Tozen union panel guests include the Tozen Union Gaba Workers Union Executive President Musashi Sakazaki, Tozen Union Gaba Workers Union General Secretary Mitch Brown, Tozen Union Gaba Workers Union Member Paul Bowen, and Tozen Union Deputy Finance Officer and Organizer Louis Carlet.

Asahi Shimbun covers Tozen’s Invoice System fight

The original article can be found here.

大手英会話教室で起きたストライキ インボイス、負担増めぐり綱引き













闘病中の母 会いに帰りたくても















Shane and Union busting.

Shane Workers Union (SWU) started in 2012.
SWU is currently negotiating for job security, better pay and health insurance (for those who want it).
In 2014, Shane management unfairly dismissed a member of SWU for leaving the workplace during his break time. In solidarity, the members voted and declared a strike after attempts to resolve the matter in collective bargaining failed. Following the first strike action in autumn 2014, two part time members had their work withdrawn and other members reported harassment by management.

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Teachers claim dismissals were invalid in suit against Shane English School

Chris Beardshall (left), Louis Carlet and Adam Cleeve, members of the Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union, hold a news conference Thursday at the labor ministry after Beardshall and Cleeve filed a lawsuit against Shane Corporation Ltd. | DAISUKE KIKUCH

Two British language teachers who worked for Shane English School Japan filed suit Thursday against the school’s operator Shane Corporation Ltd., claiming that their dismissals were unfair and invalid.

Chris Beardshall, 46, and Adam Cleeve, 44, demanded that Shane pay their monthly salaries until the day of the case’s final judgment. The two were hired on fixed-term, one-year contracts, with annual renewals possible.

Beardshall said he joined Shane in 2003 and that he was dismissed as of Dec. 31, 2016, after refusing to sign a contract that included a drastic pay cut.“Shane decided to cut my salary by two-thirds … yet they know I have a wife and a child,” Beardshall said during a news conference held Thursday at the labor ministry

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ICC Silent Protest in Yokohama

Tozen Members join in a silent protest against ICC for illegally firing union member Sulejman Brkic


Today we held a silent protest against icc language school for violating Japanese labor by firing Tozen member Sulejman Brkic who worked there for 22 years. He was illegally fired after he requested paid holidays and social insurance and pension. Thank you very much everyone for coming in solidarity!

Tozen Vlog for May 18, 2014

Tozen Vlog for April 8, 2014

Tozen Vlog for April 2, 2014 – Redacted Due to Victory!