Tozen fights back against Gaba’s vicious penalties

On Monday 4th December 2023, members of Tozen’s Gaba local took to the streets to protest and fight for their wellbeing.

The video below includes speeches from organiser Louis Carlet, Gaba local President Musashi Sakazaki, and Gaba local General Secretary Mitch Brown.


Tozen Daigaku: Civil Service Trade Union Rights (Fiscal Year Appointee System)

In April of 2020, the Japanese government amended local civil service law, reclassifying direct hire ALTs at public schools as “fiscal year appointees.” This so-called reform stripped these ALTs, and all others who labour under the new classification, of their trade union rights. Fiscal year appointees in the new system can no longer demand collective bargaining, conclude agreements with management, or enter into labour disputes. As a result, our ALTs who work for the Tokyo Board of Education were stripped of their right to collective bargaining.

2020年4月、日本政府は地方公務員法を改正し、公立学校において直接雇用されているALT講師を「会計年度任用職員」に再分類しました。 この変更は、これらのALT講師と、新しい分類の下で働くすべての労働者から労働組合の権利を剥奪するものでした。この新しい制度の下では、会計年度任用職員は団体交渉を要求したり、経営陣と協定を締結したり、労働争議をすることができなくなります。その結果として、東京教育委員会に勤務するALT講師は団体交渉権を剥奪されました。

Tozen Union is fighting back.

Please support our fight and donate:

Tozen Daigaku: How bosses screw with your work hours! 東ゼン大学:会社による労働時間制度変更時の注意点!

Attorney Kinoshita Tetsuro talks us through various changes to the work hour system.

Overview of the working time system(日本語)

東ゼン大学 – 契約形態でやられちゃった。Tozen Daigaku – Work contracts, and how companies screw you.

Tozen’s Louis Carlet delves into different types of Labour contracts, and discusses their pros and cons.

講師: ルイス・カーレットとオレン・フランクハム
Presented by Louis Carlet and Orren Frankham

東ゼン大学 – 産休とマタハラ Tozen Daigaku: Maternity Leave and Harassment


Attorney Kato Keiko and Tozen President Hifumi Okunuki teach us about the law and legal cases around maternity leave, and maternity and paternity harassment.

東ゼン大学 – 有給休暇 Tozen Daigaku – Paid Leave

Tozen Organisers Louis Carlet and Orren Frankham discuss the paid leave system in Japanese workplaces.

東ゼン大学:財務諸表の読み方 Tozen Daigaku: Reading corporate earnings reports


会社は、組合に対して、組合の要求に応じられない理由として経営が大変などを主張します。しかし、組合側は、提示されている財務のデータが本当に分かっているのでしょうか。ここで、財務諸表の読み方についての東ゼン大学のレクチャーの登板です。講師らは財務諸表を楽しみながら読む方法について話し合います。 講師は東ゼン労組の財政部長ルイス・カーレットと専従オルグのジェローム・ロスマンです。


Know your enemy

This is an important topic as companies often try to make claims about their earnings as to why they can’t agree to union demands. Find out what the numbers really mean here. Tune in as our presenters try to make finances fun (or as fun as they can be).

Presented by Louis Carlet, and Gerome Rothman.

***Disclaimer: Neither Louis Carlet or Gerome Rothman are accountants.***


東ゼン大学ー職場の組織化 – Tozen Daigaku – How to organise your workplace.

Louis Carlet, Tony Dolan, and Orren Frankham present a Tozen Daigaku on how to safely organise your coworkers, what to be careful of, how to build up a union, and their own experiences in building unions.

Japanese Labour Union Act
Japanese Labour Relations Adjustment Act
Japanese Labour Standards Act