Important Message to All ALC Teachers on a GM Contract.


On August 3rd, ALC management announced that it is proposing new contracts to its employees on GM contracts.  They have proposed two options.

Be aware that this is only a proposal and that management cannot force you to change your contract.  You have the right to refuse this proposal and keep your current contract.

Before you take any action yourself, please contact Gerome Rothman, case officer of the Tozen ALC Local Union at the following email address. All contacts and consultations are confidential.



2022年8 月 3 日、 アルクエデュケーションのGM講師  に対し、2種類の新規契約(案)を提示しました。これは、あくまでも提案です。 経営側は、GM講師の合意を強制することはできません。GM講師は、同提案を受け入れない権利があり、受け入れない場合、現在の契約を続けます。


Tozen organiser interviewed by scientific journal, Nature

In the article ‘I feel disposable’: Thousands of scientists’ jobs at risk in Japan, about universities terminating workers on fixed-term contracts, Tozen organiser Louis Carlet was interviewed and gave an explanation on how universities have responded to the 5/10-year rule.

Read the full article here

Bread & Roses 「同一労働同一賃金」―裁判所はどう判断している? Japan’s same-work-same-pay law fails to live up to its promise

Many laud Article 8 of the brand new Part-time/Fixed-term Employment Act as Japan finally recognizing the principle of same-work-same-pay. But one word in that article gave me pause: unreasonable.

The Part-time/Fixed-term Employment Act (enacted in April 2020 for regular firms and small businesses a year later), prohibits unreasonable treatment of employees on regular and irregular/contingent contracts. Article 8 stipulates, “The employer must not create a disparity that could be deemed unreasonable between the base pay, bonus and other conditions of short-term/fixed-term employees and ordinary employees, with due consideration to what could be deemed appropriate in light of the nature and purpose of the compensation as well as the details of the operations the worker is involved, the degree of corresponding responsibility, the details of the work duties, the potential for job changes of the two groups of employees and other circumstances. (Emphasis mine.)”

Disparities between contingent and regular employees are forbidden if they are unreasonable. Does that mean that reasonable disparities are fine? Let’s see what the courts are up to on this front.

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May 27, 2022, Interac Protest

In May 2021, Tozen Union entered into a labor dispute with Interac.  Interac has failed to make progress on workplace safety and improved wages.  They refuse to provide our union with basic financial information justifying their refusals.  They then retaliated against Tozen by firing our member last month.

Our campaign to improve working conditions at Interac is important not just for ALTs , but for students and Japan’s education system.  In addition, this has now become a campaign to defend our right to strike at Interac.

We are here to stay. Our Interac members will not give up the fight.

Le président du syndicat Tozen UPL poursuit le Lycée Français de Tokyo… une nouvelle fois


Le président du syndicat Tozen UPL poursuit le Lycée Français de Tokyo… une nouvelle fois

Le lundi 9 mai 2022, le président du Tozen-UPL a déposé pour la deuxième fois une plainte pour salaires impayés contre le Lycée Français de Tokyo et ce, ainsi qu’une demande de dommages et intérêts pour traitement discriminatoire.

Pour ceux qui ont suivi l’affaire, le tribunal du travail a statué en faveur de M. Alam en octobre dernier, et dans le même temps, a informé la direction qu’elle devait adhérer à la loi japonaise.

On aurait pu penser que les choses se seraient arrêtées là. Malheureusement non. La proviseurse, Mme Anne-Laure Campels, a doublé la mise en choisissant d’ignorer la loi et en continuant à refuser de payer le travail effectué en dehors des heures de travail contractuelles.

La première audience est fixée au jeudi 23 juin 2022 à 10h00.

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東ゼン大学 – 契約形態でやられちゃった。Tozen Daigaku – Work contracts, and how companies screw you.

Tozen’s Louis Carlet delves into different types of Labour contracts, and discusses their pros and cons.

講師: ルイス・カーレットとオレン・フランクハム
Presented by Louis Carlet and Orren Frankham

Apple Japan労組の2022年要求


The official name of the union established by Apple retail workers is:

Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Apple Japan Local

Our nickname is:

Apple Japan’s Home Improvement Team

Our local is part of Tozen Union.
Tozen Union is officially a part of Rengo Tokyo.



Current demands for 2022

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Bread & Roses: Do sex workers really have a choice?

On March 30, 2022, NHK Web News ran a story on how women driven to financial hardship due to the corona pandemic are increasingly turning to sex work.  (  

The report notes that sex workers’ “growing presence in busy urban neighborhoods has spurred police to take enforcement action but also to assign case officers to provide support and to accompany the arrested women to life consultant centers run by local governments.” The cops have begun to provide support for the women’s futures from a social welfare perspective, rather than just cracking down.

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Tozen Union, Tozen UPL sue Lycee International Francais de Tokyo for refusal to negotiate 東ゼン労組UPL支部は、リセに対して団交拒否の救済申し立て Le Tozen et UPL-Tozen porte plainte contre le refus de negocier du Lycée Français International de Tokyo


On Monday 18 April 2022, Tozen Union and its local chapter Tozen UPL filed an unfair labour practice case against Lycée Francais International de Tokyo at the Labour commission in Shinjuku, Tokyo, for refusal to negotiate as required by law. 


Le lundi 18 avril 2022, le syndicat Tozen, et sa branche UPL-Tozen ont déposé une plainte pour pratique déloyale de travail contre le Lycée Français International de Tokyo auprès de la commission du travail à Shinjuku, Tokyo. La raison.

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