Commission Orders Lycée Français to negotiate with Tozen

February 26, the Tokyo Labor Commission ordered Lycée Français International de Tokyo to stop refusing to negotiate with Tozen Union and its local Union des Personnels du Lycée Français international de Tokyo(UPL). The school had refused to discuss any demand that had been previously discussed and any demand that it said should only be discussed by the HR Committee.

The labor commission ruled that this constitutes an illegal refusal to negotiate, an unfair labor practice under Article 7 of the Trade Union Act.

The ruling rejected the school’s argument that even though it refused to negotiate, there was “no need for redress” since management subsequently negotiated. The commission also ordered the school to write a letter to Tozen Union and the UPL promising not to do it again.

Chers et Chères Membres de UPL

J’espère que tout le monde se porte bien.

① J’aimerais vous faire part de l’évolution de notre affaire de pratiques de travail déloyales devant la Commission du travail de Tokyo. Le 26 février 2025, nous avons reçu un verdict favorable. La commission a estimé que le Lycée français international de Tokyo avait commis des pratiques déloyales de travail en refusant de négocier sur des questions décidées par le CRH et sur des questions déjà discutées. La commission a également ordonné à l’école de nous envoyer une lettre promettant de ne pas recommencer.

« La défenderesse, le Lycée Français international de Tokyo, doit remettre la lettre suivante au Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union et au Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Union des Personnels du Lycée Français international de Tokyo dans un délai d’une semaine à compter de la réception de la présente ordonnance :

A : Président exécutif Hifumi Okunuki, Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union, et Président exécutif Nerea Chica, Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union des Personnels du Lycée Français international de Tokyo,
De : Claudia Scherer-Effosse, Lycée Français international de Tokyo,

La Commission du travail de Tokyo a certifié que notre organisation 1) a refusé de négocier avec vos syndicats lors de la session de négociation collective du 8 octobre 2021, répondant à l’ordre du jour demandé par vos syndicats en disant des choses telles que c’est une question qui doit être délibérée par le Comité des ressources humaines (CRH), et nous pouvons vous répondre après qu’il ait délibéré et pris une décision globale ; et a commis une pratique de travail déloyale en répondant pendant la négociation collective seulement que nous avons déjà répondu à cette question.

Nous veillerons à ne pas répéter l’infraction susmentionnée.’

Le défendeur fera rapidement rapport à cette commission du travail après s’être acquitté de l’obligation susmentionnée.»

La direction du LFIT n’a pas envoyé la lettre requise. Il est possible que la direction envisage de faire appel de la décision. Cette victoire est le fruit d’un effort collectif. Merci à toutes les personnes impliquées.



2020年10月30日 東京









Preschool operator KK Pearson snubs union, breaks law: Labor Commission

[Tokyo, October 30, 2020]

    Preschool operator Pearson KK’s refusal to meet Tozen Union for collective bargaining (CB) violates Article 7.2 of Japan’s Trade Union Act, the Tokyo Labor Commission ruled Wednesday. 

Last December, Principal Hirokazu Nakamura informed parents and teachers that Hanegi International Pre-School (in Shimokitazawa) would close on February 16, 2020. This meant teachers’ jobs would be gone in two months. 

Nakamura ignored countless union faxes, emails, and phone calls trying to set up a CB session to save a union member’s job. Pearson’s refusal violates the teachers’ and the union’s rights under Article 28 of the Constitution  

Tozen sued Pearson in the Tokyo Labor Commission, but the company ignored the commission’s calls. Nakamura refuses to face his employees and even his government. Pearson never turned up to a hearing or filed a piece of paper in their defense.

The Covid-19 pandemic worsened the impact of Hanegi’s collapse. “They put us out into the street like garbage,” Adam S, one of the fired teachers said. “Used us and threw us out into this horrible pandemic. There’s no work.”

Meanwhile, the company still runs a brisk business as if nothinghappened. Tsukuba International Nursery School rolled out a new website on April 17 and announced a new after-school program for their students on April 27. 

Tozen Union will immediately issue a renewed demand for CB. We will not give up the fight to bring Pearson KK to the table, pay Adam S. his back wages, and take responsibility for its anti-social behavior during this crisis. 

Tozen JCFL Local Scores Final Victory in Labor Commission

On August 9th 2019, Tokyo High Court ruled that Japan College of Foreign Languages interfered with union leafleting in June and October of 2013, violating trade union law and the constitutional rights of Tozen Union members.

The Tozen JCFL local, established in 2013, faced a hostile reception from the outset. At two union actions JCFL obstructed union leafleting. The union sued JCFL in the Tokyo Labor Relations Commission. On Jan 25, 2016, the commission ruled that the school had interfered with legitimate union activity and ordered the school to apologize.

JCFL appealed to the Central Labor Relations Commission, which upheld the ruling.

The school sued the government to overturn the ruling. On March 1, 2019 Tokyo District Court again ruled against JCFL. The school took the case to Tokyo High Court which rejected JCFL’s appeal.

On Aug 13, six years removed from the illegal obstruction, JCFL finally apologized to the union.

“Rather than take responsibility from the very beginning and simply apologize, JCFL has adopted a strategy of stonewalling and endless litigation, wasting time and prolonging the inevitable,” said Tozen Senior Organizer Gerome Rothman. “JCFL has refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the union, except under court order.”

Union President Todd Williams said, “To call this a hard won victory for the union would be an understatement. It is a testament to the grit and tenacity of our members. JCFL cannot escape the consequences of its belligerence towards the union.”



1 当事者


2 事件の概要

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Tozen Union Wins Precedent-Setting Negotiating Language Case Against Tokyo Gakugei University

The Tokyo Labor Relations Board on Wednesday ordered Tokyo Gakugei University to “engage in collective bargaining without insisting it be conducted in Japanese or that (the union) bring an interpreter.”

In the first case of its kind, Tozen Union and the TGUISS Teachers Union had sued the school for making negotiations in Japanese a condition of holding collective bargaining.
The university argued that talks should be in Japanese because “this is Japan” and that forcing management to negotiate in a foreign language would be an intolerable burden.

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Tozen Union Wins Berlitz Pension Suit, but …

June 17th, 2016 1:25 PM
Tokyo District Court on Friday overturned Japan’s Pension Agency’s 2011 decision rejecting Tozen member Yancey Co’s appeal to enroll in Japan’s shakai hoken health and pension scheme.

Co’s employer Berlitz Japan had kicked him off shakai hoken in 2008, after his work hours apparently fell below 30 hours per week in the wake of the global financial crisis.

The 30-hour, or 3/4 of a full timer, threshold can be found nowhere in labor law but rather in the agency’s internal memo dated June 6, 1980.

The English language instructor from Vancouver, Canada, had asked the agency to force Berlitz to enroll him but through three appeals the agency ruled against him.

Undeterred, Co sued the agency in January 2012. “I wanted part-timers to have the right to enroll.”image

After four and a half years of litigation, Tozen Union sees the Friday victory as a partial victory only.

“We insisted that the memo has no legal force and should not be used to kick someone off shakai hoken,” said Louis Carlet, an executive of Tozen Union. “We were hoping the court would declare the memo illegal. Unfortunately the judge didn’t go that far.”

Tozen Attorney Shoichi Ibuski said, “This is one step forward and we hope to use this to go further still.”

(See video presentation below.)

