Tozen Daigaku: YUKI MUKI! 東ゼン大学 有期・無期

Tozen Daigaku – Yukimuki and Job Security in Japan

Fixed-term or temporary employment is called yuki-koyo (有期雇用); while open-ended or permanent employment is called muki-koyo (無期雇用).

Tozen organizer Louis Carlet will explore the legal and practical angles of these two types of employment; their implications for job security; the relevant case law; and how we should fight for job security.

東ゼン大学 ー 有期・無期と雇用の安定

Tozen Daigaku: Abe’s Workplace Reforms uploaded to YouTube 東ゼン大学働き方改革の講義映像


The video of Tozen Daigaku Abe’s Workplace Reforms was uploaded to YouTube. We explain the loopholes in these ‘reforms’. Please check it out.

Tozen Vlog for April 8, 2014

Tozen Vlog for April 2, 2014 – Redacted Due to Victory!