芝浦工業大学、講師のストは、第2週に入る SIT Teacher Strike Enters Second Week

全国一般東京ゼネラルユニオン(略称 「東ゼン労組」)
執行委員長 アンソニー・ドーラン

”We have moved into our second week striking. The encouragement and interest of the students has been really uplifting. Many students have talked to us, asked us questions, visited our website, and told us not to give up. With the students’ support, we can keep this strike going until our jobs are saved.”
Anthony Dolan President Tokyo General Union, Shibaura Institute of Technology Workers’ Union Branch

芝浦工業大学の講師は労働紛争に入った! ~ Shibaura Institute of Technology Teachers on Strike!


In 2013 Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) teachers formed the SIT Local at Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union (Tozen Union). The union started collective bargaining with the university to improve working conditions for the staff. But then suddenly the university announced that they would “change the English curriculum” and that teachers could “reapply for their jobs” next academic year. In other words, they will be fired.


Tozen Union negotiated many times to save the teachers’ jobs. Unfortunately the university has shown no sign of compromise. In response, the SIT Local has chosen to go on strike from today to protect the teachers’ jobs.


We would like everyone at SIT to support our fight.


If you work at SIT (even if you aren’t a teacher), please join the union.


If you are a student at SIT, please send a message of support for the union to the following address.


Case Officer: Louis Carlet


E-mail: tozen.carlet@gmail.com


Phone: 090-9363-6580

ICC Silent Protest in Yokohama

Tozen Members join in a silent protest against ICC for illegally firing union member Sulejman Brkic


Today we held a silent protest against icc language school for violating Japanese labor by firing Tozen member Sulejman Brkic who worked there for 22 years. He was illegally fired after he requested paid holidays and social insurance and pension. Thank you very much everyone for coming in solidarity!

AKB48 members deserve to get workers’ comp for saw attack

AKB48 on stage

On May 25, a man wielding a saw attacked and wounded 19-year-old Rina Kawaei and 18-year-old Anna Iriyama, two members of bumper girl group AKB48, and a male staffer at an event where fans get to shake hands with their AKB idols.

Fortunately the injuries were minor, but fans were shocked. The victims and their AKB48 comrades must have been terrified.

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Tozen Vlog for May 18, 2014

Japanese firms have much to lose in battles over bogus outsourcing

What is a gyōmu itaku contract? It is basically an outsourcing contract: A company decides it cannot handle a certain job itself, so it outsources the work to another company — or an individual. Individuals on gyōmu itaku contracts are not considered rōdōsha (employees/workers) in the legal sense, and are thus not protected by the Labor Standards Law or most other labor laws. In that way, gyōmu itaku contracts differ greatly from employment or labor contracts (rōdō keiyaku).

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ICCに対する次の裁判の期日 ~ ICC Court Date

tozen vs. icc
Tozen vs. ICC

我々の次の法廷は、6/12(木)13:10 より、横浜地方裁判所502号室です。

Tozen union is currently in dispute with language school ICC over their illegal firing of Sulejman Brkic.
Our next court hearing in TOZEN vs. ICC LANGUAGE SCHOOL is on JUNE 12 at 13:10 at Yokohama District Court room 502.

All supporters are welcome to attend.

Foreign workers fear exploitation as Olympic projects gather steam

My first Labor Pains column of the new fiscal year will look at the government’s recent proposal for bringing in foreign workers.

Various proposals on easing immigration restrictions for foreign workers have been bandied about in recent years, but they were inevitably scrapped because “Japan is but a tiny island nation.” (In fact, Japan is the fifth-largest island nation in the world, after Australia, Indonesia, Madagascar and Papua New Guinea.) Incidentally, there are currently 2.03 million foreign residents and more than 700,000 foreign workers in Japan, so the country is already quite multinational and multiethnic in composition.

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Tozen Vlog for April 8, 2014