Gaba to fine teachers when ill

As seen on Reddit:

Gaba recently announced new penalties on teachers who cancel lessons (tell Gaba they cannot work), even if the teacher is seriously ill or injured.
Fines increase with shorter notice and can be up to 6,500 yen PER LESSON, on top of not gettting paid for the work.For inquiries please contact Tozen Union representative Louis Carlet at

Tozen Daigaku: Civil Service Trade Union Rights (Fiscal Year Appointee System)

In April of 2020, the Japanese government amended local civil service law, reclassifying direct hire ALTs at public schools as “fiscal year appointees.” This so-called reform stripped these ALTs, and all others who labour under the new classification, of their trade union rights. Fiscal year appointees in the new system can no longer demand collective bargaining, conclude agreements with management, or enter into labour disputes. As a result, our ALTs who work for the Tokyo Board of Education were stripped of their right to collective bargaining.

2020年4月、日本政府は地方公務員法を改正し、公立学校において直接雇用されているALT講師を「会計年度任用職員」に再分類しました。 この変更は、これらのALT講師と、新しい分類の下で働くすべての労働者から労働組合の権利を剥奪するものでした。この新しい制度の下では、会計年度任用職員は団体交渉を要求したり、経営陣と協定を締結したり、労働争議をすることができなくなります。その結果として、東京教育委員会に勤務するALT講師は団体交渉権を剥奪されました。

Tozen Union is fighting back.

Please support our fight and donate:

そごう・西武労働組合のストライキの支持表明 Tozen Supports the Sogo Seibu Strike





執行委員長 奥貫 妃文

Asahi Shimbun covers Tozen’s Invoice System fight

The original article can be found here.

大手英会話教室で起きたストライキ インボイス、負担増めぐり綱引き













闘病中の母 会いに帰りたくても















Tozen Gaba Workers Union steps up dispute for higher wages, against forced registration

Tozen Union and its local Gaba Workers Union protested today (Tuesday, July 18, 2023) in front of language school Gaba’s Fujisawa Learning Studio.

A dozen teachers braved searing heat on the streets of Fujisawa, demanding a 200/yen per lesson raise and that Gaba stop pushing instructors to register as an “invoice-issuing business.” The language school does this to shift a new tax burden onto its low-paid teachers who would have to pay consumption tax they are currently exempt from paying. The company threatens lower pay and even firing to those instructors who fail to comply.

The company already treats instructors as private businesses on gyomu itaku contracts in order to avoid all obligations under labor law. The company claims to outsourceg its main business – teaching English. It’s not clear then what Gaba does as its business.

Gaba instructors have not had a raise since 2008, and and need one now more than ever due to recent inflation.

For more info on how to support us, contact union rep Louis Carlet at

Oser s’opposer au licenciement abusif du Lycée Français International de Tokyo!

~Avis de licenciement adressé au personnel de la cafétéria qui préparait les repas des élèves depuis des décennies…

En décembre 2022, deux membres de la branche UPL du syndicat Tozen, qui préparaient depuis longtemps les repas pour de nombreux élèves à la cafétéria du Lycée Français International de Tokyo (LFIT), ont soudainement perdu leur emploi l’année dernière.

Read more

EIFJ de Tokyo : syndicat Tozen

La branche syndicale EIFJ Tozen a pour objectif principal de faire en sorte d’améliorer les conditions de travail de tous les salariés employés à l’EIFJ de Tokyo.

Depuis le mois de janvier 2022, notre syndicat s’est déjà investi à plusieurs reprises auprès d’employés et ex-employés de l’EIFJ afin de défendre leurs droits ou d ‘exiger des réparations de la part de la direction de l’EIFJ.

Notre syndicat est très attaché aux droits des salariés et au respect de la législation japonaise. Nous restons très alertes concernant ces derniers points et interpellons régulièrement la direction de l’EIFJ pour qu’elle tienne ses engagements.

Nous invitons tous les employés ou éventuels futurs employés de l’EIFJ de Tokyo à prendre contact avec nous s’ils souhaitent être conseillés ou accompagnés dans leurs démarches.
Vous pouvez également contacter notre syndicat pour signaler tout abus dont vous auriez été victime ou témoin.

Les écoles sont des lieux d’enseignement et de savoir qui, pour porter leurs fruits et bénéficier aux enfants, se doivent d’être exemplaires et d’offrir à leurs employés un environnement de travail sain et sécuritaire.
C’est ce pour quoi la branche EIFJ Tozen se bat depuis maintenant plus d’un an.


Luc Buathier, directeur de la Branche EIFJ Tozen.



2022年12月、東京国際フランス学園(Lycée Français International de Tokyo)内の食堂で長きにわたり、たくさんの生徒たちの食事を作ってきた東ゼン労組UPL支部の2名の組合員は、昨年、突如仕事を奪われました。

Read more

Tozen Union Rallies to Restore Trade Union Rights of Direct Hire ALTs


On Sunday, January 29, Tozen Union, our legal team, and our supporters held a rally to launch our campaign to restore Trade Union Rights to Direct Hire ALTs.

In April 2020, local civil service law was amended and direct hire ALTs around the country were classified as “fiscal-year appointees.” Prior to this change, direct hire ALTs had the right to join a union and demand collective bargaining. This so-called “reform” stripped them of those basic labour rights.

Tozen Union demanded that Tokyo Board of Education meet for collective bargaining in July of 2020. The board refused, and the union sued in Tokyo Labour commission. The case was dismissed late last year in light of the legal amendment. Tozen plans to sue in court to overturn this unconstitutional decision. Our goal is to restore trade union rights not only for fiscal-year appointees, but all civil servants.

We need your help.
Please contact case officer Gerome Rothman at to find out what you can do.

Gaba signs historic strike-rights deal with Union

  On Dec. 14, 2022, Tozen Union, Gaba Workers Union and Gaba Corporation signed a deal recognizing the right of Gaba teachers to strike for better conditions, a long-running point of dispute in the Tokyo and National Labor Commissions. 

(Yosuke Ishii signed for management, while Musashi Sakazaki and Louis Carlet signed on behalf of the union.)