Tozen Union hits streets in record numbers to push for better conditions at Shane, Kanda Gaigo, Interac

Tozen’s historic Ichinichi Kodo All-Day Action fights for job security, higher wages; breaks through factionalism

Dec. 21, 2021. Under the crisp blue skies of Winter Solstice, Tozen Union held its first ever Ichinichi Kodo All-Day Action.

 Teachers at three local chapters of Tozen Union raised their fists and voices in front of each employer, demanding job security, Shakai Hoken health and pension, and a living wage.

 In addition to Tozen’s long-allied independent unions, all three national labor federations (Rengo, Zenroren, and Zenrokyo) joined the action, warming our hearts on this first day of winter.

 Rengo Tokyo provided the sound car for the day.

 Joining Tozen for the fight were: Japan Labour Soviet (Rohyo), General Support Union (GSU, affiliated with NPO Posse), Shutoken Union of University Part-Time Lecturers in Tokyo Area and the National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu (Tobu Roso).

 This day in Tozen history represented a pushback against the chronic factionalism of Japan’s labor movement. The faction-transcending unity made us forget the cold and gave management a peek at the kind of solidarity arrayed against them.

 More than 50 Tozen and allied members squeezed into a tight, thin line on a sliver of sidewalk in front of the Shane HQ office. In a large voice, we demanded the English conversation school give us job security and Shakai Hoken.

 Our displeasure at relentless management attacks against workers and the union during this protracted labor dispute burst forth over the speakers of our sound truck. A contingent of Shane members went into the HQ office to submit a written appeal. A manager took it, then flippantly remarked ‘Merry Christmas.’ Our Shane local won’t rest until they win stable working conditions.

 The throng walked a block away to Kanda University of Foreign Studies (KUIS). We demanded the school remove its unilateral and arbitrary 6-year limit on employment and agree to open-ended employment for teachers. These educating every day show pride and passion in inspiring the minds of their students.

 These teachers want to continue to teach beyond the six years, but the university administration asserts that after six years they are no longer capable of creating anything new. Kaiten (rotation) is necessary to keep the education development fresh, management insists. Members angrily shouted that “KUIS teachers are not dried out conveyor belt sushi!”

 The crowd traveled by subway to Ginza, to the headquarters of ALT-dispatcher Interac. We protested the company’s refusal to provide a living way or enroll ALTs in Shakai Hoken. A contingent separated, entered the high-rise office building, and rode the lift to Interac headquarters. There, they tried to hand over a written appeal. Management made them wait for over 20 minutes. The delegation decided to send it later by post; they returned to the lively protest down on street level to give a report to their comrades.

 One university student from GSU recounted how an ALT (assistant language teacher) had helped her learn ‘living English.’ She called on the company to recognize a living wage and said that ALTs are not ‘assistants.’

 We finished with a sprechchor, bringing life to the soul of workers, who know no faction, under the Ginza winter sky in the middle of the big city

 The labor unions and individuals who joined us in solidarity made this historic day possible.


2021/12/21 東ゼン労組1日行動:安心して生活できる労働条件をかけた闘い!











Tozen Union is featured in


Read all about it!

Tozen President Hifumi Okunuki

An article in features Tozen Union, detailing how our comrades in the Iceland Efling union recently invited us to their country.

Comrades Louis, Cornelia, Gerome and Adam celebrate thhe hanging of the sparkling, new Tozen sign.
Tozen Da! International comrades stand shoulder to shoulder.

有关外国人 劳动问题的免费法律咨询


●工作时受伤;在上下班路上受伤;工作单位不付工资 或加班费;没有正当理由而被解雇;工作中的冲突、纠 纷;受上司欺负等等,诸如此类的问题
●无论您自己是外国人或是帮助外国人的团体,欢迎大 家从全国各地致电咨询。

东京 03-6427-5902 日语和西班牙语服务 和中文服务
名古屋 052-414-5901 日语和葡萄牙语服务 (也有西班牙语服务)
大阪 06-4708―3631 日语和中文服务
广岛 050-3136-5250 日语服务

②如果您会讲日语,就用日语咨询。如果您需要中文、葡 萄牙语或西班牙语的翻译服务,请告诉我们。翻译将与您 通话。
③如果您需要的语言翻译正在接其他电话,我们稍后将回 电给您,请告诉我们您的名字和电话号码。



Dia: 29/11/2015(DOMINGO) 14~19h
●Consultas com advogados e intérpretes.
●Problemas referente ao serviço como acidente durante o trabalho, acidente de trânsito durante a rota do serviço, salário e horas extras não recebidos, demissão sem motivo, Ijime, assédios, etc. 

●O próprio estrangeiro ou a pessoa que deseja ajudar o companheiro com problemas, poderão utilizar essa consulta de qualquer lugar do país. 

●Haverá intérpretes em português, espanhol e chinês. 

★O conteúdo da consulta será mantido em sigilo★

T E L 

Tokyo 03-6427-5902 (japonês, espanhol, e chinês) 

Nagoya 052-414-5901 (japonês, português e espanhol) 

Osaka 06-4708―3631 (japonês e chinês) 

Hiroshima 050-3136-5250 (japonês) 


1 Disque o número acima. 

2 Se souber falar o idioma japonês, continue falando. Caso deseje falar em chinês, porutguês ou em espanhol, peça para chamar intérprete e faça a consulta.

 3 Caso o(a) intérprete estiver ocupado(a) atendendo a outra consulta, deixe o seu nome e telefone para retornar a ligação. 

(Advogados Responsáveis para Consulta) Equipe dos Advogados para Trabalhadores Estrangeiros 
Equipe dos Advogados sobre os problemas dos Estagiários Estrangeiros 

Migrant Kenkyu-kai

Consultas sobre las leyes de trabajo gratis por teléfono; para extranjeros.

Dia: Domingo 29 de Novienbre del 2015 14~19h
・Habra asesoramiento teléfonico por abogados. 
・La consulta y los interpretes son gratuitos. 

・Problemas como ; Accidentes en el trabajo. Sobre el seguro de accidentes de trabajo en el trayecto de la casa a la fabrica y de la fabrica a la casa. No te pagan el salario o no te pagan las horas extras de trabajo, Despido injustificado y/o despido imtenpestivo. Te tratan mal, acoso sexual. 

・Pueden llamar extranjeros o personas que apoyan a extranjeros en todo Japon. 

・Hay interpretes del idioma Chino, Portugues y Español. 

★ El contenido de la consulta es confidencial ★

Tokyo 03-6427-5902 Japones・Español ・Chino 

Nagoya 052-414-5901 Japones・Portugues (Español) 

Osaka 06-4708―3631 Japones・Chino 

Hiroshima 050-3136-5250 Japones 

1 Llame al numero telefónico que aparece arriba. 

2 Las personas que pueden hablar Japones, consulten en Japones. Las personas que desean consultar en Chino, Portugues y Español, díganle la persona que conteste el teléfono. 

3 En caso de que el interprete este atendiendo otra llamada, nosotros le devolveremos la llamada a usted. 

・Asociacion de abogados para trabajadores extranjeros
・Grupo de abogados para trabajadores aprendices 
・Grupo de estudio “imigrantes”

本日、9月3日は「くみあい」(=組合)の日Today is Labor Union Day!

みなさん、知っていますか。今日9月3日は、「くみ(9・3)あい」の日です。Today is Labor Union Day! Did you know that?

労働組合は、団結がすべてです。そして、団結の根っこには「愛」がなければいけません。Solidarity is everything for a union. There must be love at the root of solidarity.

どんな職種でも、どんな立場でも、どんな人種や国籍でも、労働者は、手を携えて、仲間のために団結しなければいけません。Regardless of industry, job type, race or nationality, each worker must have solidarity with coworkers. 

「万国の労働者よ、団結しようぴょん!」と東ゼン労組の団結うさぎも言っています。Tozen Solidarity Bunny says, “Workers of the world, unite!”  


ICC Silent Protest in Yokohama

Tozen Members join in a silent protest against ICC for illegally firing union member Sulejman Brkic


Today we held a silent protest against icc language school for violating Japanese labor by firing Tozen member Sulejman Brkic who worked there for 22 years. He was illegally fired after he requested paid holidays and social insurance and pension. Thank you very much everyone for coming in solidarity!

Tozen Vlog for May 18, 2014

Tozen Vlog for April 8, 2014