Tozen fights back against Gaba’s vicious penalties

On Monday 4th December 2023, members of Tozen’s Gaba local took to the streets to protest and fight for their wellbeing.

The video below includes speeches from organiser Louis Carlet, Gaba local President Musashi Sakazaki, and Gaba local General Secretary Mitch Brown.


Mainichi Shimbun cover Tozen’s fight for 10% pay rise

Article written by 東海林智, and originally featured here.



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東ゼン大学 – 有給休暇 Tozen Daigaku – Paid Leave

Tozen Organisers Louis Carlet and Orren Frankham discuss the paid leave system in Japanese workplaces.

東ゼン大学ー職場の組織化 – Tozen Daigaku – How to organise your workplace.

Louis Carlet, Tony Dolan, and Orren Frankham present a Tozen Daigaku on how to safely organise your coworkers, what to be careful of, how to build up a union, and their own experiences in building unions.

Japanese Labour Union Act
Japanese Labour Relations Adjustment Act
Japanese Labour Standards Act

Apple Einzelhandels-Beschäftigte in Japan organisieren sich gewerkschaftlich

Heute erklärten Apple Retail-Beschäftigte die Gründung einer neuen Gewerkschaft gegenüber Apple Management. Der offizielle Name der Gewerkschaft ist “Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Apple Japan Local”. Die Gewerkschaft hat schon erste Forderungen gestellt und wird in naher Zukunft in Kollektivverhandlungen mit der Firma treten.

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Unione Lavoratori Apple in Giappone

Oggi i lavoratori del Retail di Apple Japan hanno annunciato la formazione dell’unione alla dirigenza aziendale. Il nome ufficiale dell’unione è Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Apple Japan Local. L’unione ha formulato delle richieste e avrà trattative collettive con l’azienda nel prossimo futuro.

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ICC Silent Protest in Yokohama

Tozen Members join in a silent protest against ICC for illegally firing union member Sulejman Brkic


Today we held a silent protest against icc language school for violating Japanese labor by firing Tozen member Sulejman Brkic who worked there for 22 years. He was illegally fired after he requested paid holidays and social insurance and pension. Thank you very much everyone for coming in solidarity!

Tozen Vlog for May 18, 2014

Tozen Vlog for April 8, 2014

Tozen Vlog for April 2, 2014 – Redacted Due to Victory!