Dia: 29/11/2015(DOMINGO) 14~19h
●Consultas com advogados e intérpretes.
●Problemas referente ao serviço como acidente durante o trabalho, acidente de trânsito durante a rota do serviço, salário e horas extras não recebidos, demissão sem motivo, Ijime, assédios, etc. 

●O próprio estrangeiro ou a pessoa que deseja ajudar o companheiro com problemas, poderão utilizar essa consulta de qualquer lugar do país. 

●Haverá intérpretes em português, espanhol e chinês. 

★O conteúdo da consulta será mantido em sigilo★

T E L 

Tokyo 03-6427-5902 (japonês, espanhol, e chinês) 

Nagoya 052-414-5901 (japonês, português e espanhol) 

Osaka 06-4708―3631 (japonês e chinês) 

Hiroshima 050-3136-5250 (japonês) 


1 Disque o número acima. 

2 Se souber falar o idioma japonês, continue falando. Caso deseje falar em chinês, porutguês ou em espanhol, peça para chamar intérprete e faça a consulta.

 3 Caso o(a) intérprete estiver ocupado(a) atendendo a outra consulta, deixe o seu nome e telefone para retornar a ligação. 

(Advogados Responsáveis para Consulta) Equipe dos Advogados para Trabalhadores Estrangeiros 
Equipe dos Advogados sobre os problemas dos Estagiários Estrangeiros 

Migrant Kenkyu-kai

Consultas sobre las leyes de trabajo gratis por teléfono; para extranjeros.

Dia: Domingo 29 de Novienbre del 2015 14~19h
・Habra asesoramiento teléfonico por abogados. 
・La consulta y los interpretes son gratuitos. 

・Problemas como ; Accidentes en el trabajo. Sobre el seguro de accidentes de trabajo en el trayecto de la casa a la fabrica y de la fabrica a la casa. No te pagan el salario o no te pagan las horas extras de trabajo, Despido injustificado y/o despido imtenpestivo. Te tratan mal, acoso sexual. 

・Pueden llamar extranjeros o personas que apoyan a extranjeros en todo Japon. 

・Hay interpretes del idioma Chino, Portugues y Español. 

★ El contenido de la consulta es confidencial ★

Tokyo 03-6427-5902 Japones・Español ・Chino 

Nagoya 052-414-5901 Japones・Portugues (Español) 

Osaka 06-4708―3631 Japones・Chino 

Hiroshima 050-3136-5250 Japones 

1 Llame al numero telefónico que aparece arriba. 

2 Las personas que pueden hablar Japones, consulten en Japones. Las personas que desean consultar en Chino, Portugues y Español, díganle la persona que conteste el teléfono. 

3 En caso de que el interprete este atendiendo otra llamada, nosotros le devolveremos la llamada a usted. 

・Asociacion de abogados para trabajadores extranjeros
・Grupo de abogados para trabajadores aprendices 
・Grupo de estudio “imigrantes”

本日、9月3日は「くみあい」(=組合)の日Today is Labor Union Day!

みなさん、知っていますか。今日9月3日は、「くみ(9・3)あい」の日です。Today is Labor Union Day! Did you know that?

労働組合は、団結がすべてです。そして、団結の根っこには「愛」がなければいけません。Solidarity is everything for a union. There must be love at the root of solidarity.

どんな職種でも、どんな立場でも、どんな人種や国籍でも、労働者は、手を携えて、仲間のために団結しなければいけません。Regardless of industry, job type, race or nationality, each worker must have solidarity with coworkers. 

「万国の労働者よ、団結しようぴょん!」と東ゼン労組の団結うさぎも言っています。Tozen Solidarity Bunny says, “Workers of the world, unite!”  


Should SEALDs student activists worry about not getting hired?

Summer 2015 — 70 years since Japan’s defeat in World War II. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his ruling coalition have rammed two security bills through the Lower House that overturn decades of interpretation of the Constitution by enabling Japan to engage in collective self-defense. Now he hopes to do the same in the Upper House.

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The 100 hour work week in Japan

At 3 a.m. on Monday morning, Eriko Fujita leaves the IBM offices in Tokyo. She rushes home to take a shower and get a few hours of sleep before she returns to her office at 7 a.m.

This is the hidden side of life at IBM Japan. For a period of eight months, Fujita, whose name has been changed to protect her anonymity, averages 18 to 20 hours of work per day. Her schedule, which includes Saturdays and Sundays, is particularly demanding since she interfaces with programmers in different time zones.

“We don’t have a 5 o’clock-and-get-out kind of culture,” she says with a shrug. While her schedule depends on the specific project, Fujita, in her late twenties, says her typical workday lasts about 15 hours.

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Three amigos on a mission to protect your rights

The only people who tend to know what I’m talking about when I say the words “labor relations commission” are unionists, labor or corporate lawyers and labor-law scholars. These panels are government enforcement bodies that lack the glamour and fame of the courts, the cops and even the Labor Standards Office, and sound about as dull as dish water. This is a shame, because in actual fact, they do some amazing work. Let me explain.

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ABC NewsRadio Interview

ABC NewsRadio’s Eleni Psaltis presents Japan In Focus, a new program that takes a close look at significant political and cultural developments in Japan.

This week: Defining Joshi Kosei – high school girls hired for a range of controversial services for men, the US dollar hits its highest level against the yen since December 2002 and why people are consuming more meat than fish in Japan.

Eleni Psaltis speaks to Hifumi Okunuki and Louis Carlet from the Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union, the Wall Street Journal’s Tokyo correspondent Eleanor Warnock and Masa Kagawa, an associate professor at the Kagawa Nutrition University.

Listen here:



1910(明治43)年に26歳で夭逝した歌人の石川啄木による、あまりにも有名な短歌である。「どれだけたくさん働いても、一向に暮らしは楽にならないのはなぜだろう? 途方に暮れて、思わずじっと自分の手を見つめてしまう・・・」という意味である。


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