Tozen Gaba Workers Union in Dispute with Gaba 全国一般東京ゼネラルユニオンGABA労働組合はGABAに対して労働紛争

The Tozen GABA Workers Union is officially in dispute with the company over it’s unfair disciplinary action (不当懲戒処分) against Local Executive President Tyler Christensen.

We are fighting for the right to work unpaid overtime.

Say what?

Yes, we are fighting for the right to work unpaid overtime without facing discipline from the company.

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NCC organizing a labor union

NCC綜合英語学院 学院長秘書室

〒160-0023 東京都新宿区西新宿7丁目15-4 YS第一ビル 受付4階

• Temporary employment contracts
• Poor communication from management
• No pay raises given to teachers regardless of length of service or qualifications.
• Limited office space for foreign work staff
• Lack of transparency
• No procedures to deal with extreme weather

If you have issues with any of the above, join fellow teachers by unionising and improving your working conditions at NCC.

Email: for more information or for a membership package to be sent to you.


日本外国語専門学校(JCFL・JAPAN COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES)は、誠実に団体交渉のテーブルにつくべきだ!

「通訳ガイド養成所」の設立から、41年の歳月が経ちました。」と自らのホームページで謳うように、数多くの通訳のプロを輩出してきた日本外国語専門学校(JCFL/JAPAN COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES) 。それなのに、組合との団体交渉になると、組合員らの使用言語(英語)の通訳を一切拒絶し、「交渉は日本語でのみやる。通訳をつけるなら組合でつけろ」の一点張りで、約半年の間、実質的な団体交渉を拒否し続けています。そもそもの発端は、組合加入通告をした一人の組合員が、通告のわずか2週間後に契約更新の拒絶を受けたことによります、当初より日本外国語専門学校は、団体交渉を行う際に、「ここは日本であり、日本語でしか団交に応じない」、「通訳の手配は組合でやれ」との姿勢を押し通しました。英語講師らの職場での労使関係上の使用言語は常に英語であり、必要なときは学校側が必ず通訳者を準備しています。それなのに、なぜ、組合との団交になると、通常の労使関係と一変した扱いをするのでしょうか。それでも、組合は、一人の組合員の職の喪失という重大な問題の解決を何よりも優先するために、母語ではない日本語で、必死に交渉をしてきました。しかし、組合員らの通常の労使関係上の言語ではない言語での交渉はうまくいきません。何度も言葉に詰まっても、学校側は知らんぷりです。さらにひどいのは、学校側は常にプロの通訳者を同席させているにもかかわらず、通訳者は一切の通訳をせず、ただ黙って団交の様子を見守っていることです。いったい、何のために同席させているのでしょうか。嘲笑されているかのような姿勢に、組合は毎回大きな無力感と屈辱感を抱いています。組合は、日本外国語専門学校に対して、実質的な中身のある団交に向けて努力をするよう、強く求めます。

Tokyo Area GABA workers unionize


東京都渋谷区元代々木町 30-13 グラスシティ元代々木 4F
03-5790-7000 (TEL)
03-5790-7145 (FAX)
株式会社 GABA
代表取締役社長 増田崇之殿
GABA Corporation President Takayuki Masuda

執行委員長 ルイス・カーレット 全
国一般東京ゼネラルユニオン GABA 労働組合
執行委員長 ジェイソン・コームス
Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union
President Louis Carlet
Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union
GABA Workers Union
President Jason Combs

Notice of Union Formation and Demand for Collective Bargaining

拝啓 秋冷の候、貴社におかれましてはますますご盛栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。
We hope your business is doing well this autumn.

私たちは、貴社に勤務する下記の講師が、全国一般東京ゼネラルユニオン(以下、「組合」と いう)の下に全国一般東京ゼネラルユニオン GABA 労働組合(以下、「支部」という)という支 部組合を結成したことを通知いたします。貴社は本日より、組合員の雇用・労働条件並びにその他 労働条件に関連する事項について、当組合並びに支部と協議決定する義務のあることを申し添えま す。
We hereby notify you that the instructors below have formed the Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union GABA Workers Union (hereafter, “local”) under the Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union (hereafter, “union”). We ask that management negotiate in good faith during collective bargaining regarding members’ employment and working conditions as well as other matters related to working conditions.

当組合並びに支部は、良好なる労使関係を確立するために誠意を持って交渉に臨む所存です。それ故、 貴社は不当労働行為など行うことなく、速やかに当組合並びに支部との団体交渉に応じられるよう要請いた します。なお、団体交渉を拒否することは、労働組合法第7条に違反する不当労働行為であることを念のた めに申し添えておきます。
In order to create good labor-management relations, our union intends to negotiate in good faith. We call on the company to respond promptly to our request for collective bargaining so as not to commit an unfair labor practice under labor law. We remind the company that declining a request for collective bargaining is a violation of Article 7 of Trade Union Law.

Read more

Union Victory Over JALSS

Tokyo District Court orders Jal Haken (Max Ali. owner of JALSS) to pay unpaid wages totaling nearly 2 million yen to three defendants, all members of Tozen Union.


Shakai Hoken Seminar

Do you know your rights when it comes to Shakai Hoken?

Chances are that management has mislead you about your legal rights to proper insurance and pension.

Find out everything you wanted to know about unemployment, health, workplace accident, nursing care and pension insurance from experts, Social Labor Consultant Takeo Eitani and Tozen Paralegal Hifumi

Sunday, March 4 at 2pm, at our office.

Free Admission


Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union
Kokubo Building 3B, Yamabukicho 294, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0801

Google Map Link | Mapion Map Link

〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町294小久保ビル3B

FAX: 050-3488-6734

Google 地図リンク | Mapion 地図リンク

Berlitz loses suit over union teacher strikes

The Tokyo District Court on Monday rejected a lawsuit filed by Berlitz Japan Inc. that sought damages from union executives and its teachers for waging strikes and causing substantial damage to the company.

Presiding Judge Hiroshi Watanabe sided with the labor union and its workers, saying acts by the defendants “do not comprise any illegality.”

“There is no reason to deny the legitimacy of the strikes,” including their purpose or process, the court ruled.

Berlitz, the plaintiff, filed the lawsuit in December 2008. The language school chain claimed executives of the National Union of General Workers Tokyo Nambu, and affiliate Berlitz General Union Tokyo (Begunto) — particularly five activist, non-Japanese Berlitz teachers — conducted illegal strikes for 11 months beginning in December 2007.

According to the plaintiffs, union activities including coordinated strikes and delay of written notice of strikes “put the company’s existence itself in peril.” The plaintiffs claimed that acts by the defendants affected 3,455 classes during the span and caused some of its students to leave the school.

The company had sought compensation of ¥110 million each from Nambu, Begunto, an executive from each group and the five Berlitz teachers. The strikes involved more than 100 unionized foreign teachers of the chain.

The defendants meanwhile had said their strikes were within their rights, after Berlitz in 2007 rejected their requests, including a demand for a 4.6 percent raise and a bonus payment equal to a month’s pay.

According to the defendants, teachers at Berlitz hadn’t won an across-the-board raise for over 16 years. They claimed the lawsuit violated their right to union activities and collective action.

While similar civil cases have often been settled out of court, the case saw an extended period of negotiations that ultimately ended without an agreement.

Defense lawyer Yukiko Akutsu, who criticized the plaintiffs for causing the case to drag on for over three years, called Monday’s ruling “a complete victory” for her clients.

While touching on the possibility that the plaintiffs may file an appeal, Akutsu told a meeting following the ruling that the court “recognized that each of the strikes was legitimate.”

Joytalk ALTs Unionized

Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union and its Tozen ALTs Branch recently declared the existence of its Joytalk Shop to management and submitted a slate of 28 collective bargaining demands.


Declaration of New Members, Request for Collective Bargaining

拝啓 貴社におかれましては、益々ご繁栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。

We hope your business is doing well.


We hereby inform you that some of your employees have joined Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union (hereafter, “union,”) and Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Tozen ALTs (hereafter, “local”). From this day forth, your company is obligated to negotiate with the union and local regarding union members’ employment, working conditions and all items related to working conditions.


Our union and local will negotiate in good faith in order to establish a positive labor-management relationship. Therefore, we ask that you promptly agree to collective bargaining with the union and local without committing any unfair labor practices. We also add that refusing collective bargaining is an unfair labor practice in violation of Article 7 of Trade Union Law.


We ask for collective bargaining regarding the demands listed below at the below date, time and venue.


We understand that it is impossible to discuss all 28 demands at the first collective bargaining session. We would like to negotiate these demands with you carefully and thoroughly. Union members hope to build and maintain a positive relationship with management based on long-term job security.

3.要求事項 Demands

安定した雇用について   On job security…

1. Management eliminate temporary employment status for all union members, recognizing open-ended employment with no deterioration in working conditions in order to give members job security.


事前協議について  On prior consultation …

2. Management inform the local and union well in advance of any changes to working conditions, management, terms of employment or shugyo kisoku work rules. Management negotiate and obtain agreement with union and local before implementing any such changes.


3. Management inform, negotiate with and obtain agreement from union and local before any transfers, disciplinary measures or dismissal (including all forms of employment severance against the wishes of the employee) of any union member.


4. Management inform and make a mutual arrangement with local members before visiting schools to observe classes etc. and that any such visit shall have a minimum of one month’s advance notice.


5. Management obtain consent from any union member before scheduling work on weekends.


透明性について  On transparency …

6. Management provide union and local with Japanese language and English language versions of their shugyo kisoku official work rules.


7. Management immediately disclose and explain each year’s financial documents, including profit-loss statement and balance sheet.


8. Management immediately give to the union and local a copy of the contract between company and all school boards where members work.


9. Management explain in writing to the union and local the terms of the contract (“haken” or “gyomu itaku”) for each member, and how the type of contract affects the member’s work.


金銭要求 Financial Demands

10. Management pay full actual transportation costs to all members.


11. Management increase the salary of union members to ¥290,000 per month.


12. Management count the training days forced upon members during July as additional working days to be paid at an additional ¥15,000 per day and refund full actual transportation costs.


13. Management pay a full salary for August 2011


14. Management refrain from deducting any wages from any member who participates in collective bargaining during work hours.


15. Management refund all costs for medical checks required of union members.


他の要求事項 Other Demands

18. Management give 10 days paid annual leave to union members who have worked for six months (12 after 18 months, etc. according to Labor Standards Law) to be used at their own discretion, and not as management dictates.


19. A substitute ALT is not sent to a school if there are no lessons.


20. Management use teacher evaluations only to help teachers further improve their performance and not let evaluations affect pay. All evaluations submitted by the school to the company are shown to the union in their original form.


21. Management change our payday from the 25th of the month to the 15th of every month, to coincide with monthly payments such as rent and utilities.


22. Management assign teachers with experience to run training sessions.


23. Management arrange for all union members to have lockers at their workplaces (schools).


24. Management explain about their current shakai hoken deductions


労使の信頼関係維持について  Maintaining Relationship of Trust between Management and Union

25. Management comply with all articles of all labor laws, particularly Trade Union Law, and refrain from discriminating against or harassing any union member.


26. Management permit a union representative be present at all members’ meetings with management.


27. Management permit the union and local to conduct a 30-minutes union orientation, including passing out information, at all training sessions. Management inform the union at least four weeks in advance of the date, time and venue for all such training sessions.


28. Management sign a labor-management agreement with the union and local on the above demands.



Borderlink ALTs Unionized

On Friday, September 30th 20011, Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union and its Tozen ALTs Branch declared the existence of its Borderlink Shop to management and submitted a slate of 34 collective bargaining demands.


Declaration of New Members, Request for Collective Bargaining

拝啓 貴社におかれましては、益々ご繁栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。

We hope your business is doing well.


We hereby inform you that some of your employees have joined Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union (hereafter, “union,”) and Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Tozen ALTs (hereafter, “local”). From this day forth, your company is obligated to negotiate with the union and local regarding union members’ employment, working conditions and all items related to working conditions.


Our union and local will negotiate in good faith in order to establish a positive labor-management relationship. Therefore, we ask that you promptly agree to collective bargaining with the union and local without committing any unfair labor practices. We also add that refusing collective bargaining is an unfair labor practice in violation of Article 7 of Trade Union Law.


We ask for collective bargaining regarding the demands listed below at the below date, time and venue.


We understand that it is impossible to discuss all 34 demands at the first collective bargaining session. We would like to negotiate these demands with you carefully and thoroughly. Union members hope to build and maintain a positive relationship with management based on long-term job security.

2.団体交渉日時・場所・議題 CB Date, Time, Venue, Agenda

日時 2011年10月21日(金) 19:00~21:00
場所 当組合本部事務所内 Venue: Our union HQ office
     〒162-0801東京都新宿区山吹町294 小久保ビル3B
議題 下記の要求事項 Agenda: Union demands listed below.

3.要求事項 Demands

安定した雇用について   On job security…

1. Management eliminate temporary employment status for all union members, recognizing open-ended employment with no deterioration in working conditions in order to give members job security.


事前協議について  On prior consultation …

2. Management inform the local and union well in advance of any changes to working conditions, management, terms of employment or shugyo kisoku work rules. Management negotiate and obtain agreement with union and local before implementing any such changes.


3. Management inform, negotiate with and obtain agreement from union and local before any transfers, disciplinary measures or dismissal (including all forms of employment severance against the wishes of the employee) of any union member.


4. Management inform and make a mutual arrangement with local members before visiting schools to observe classes etc. and that any such visit shall have a minimum of one month’s advance notice.


5. Management inform the union member of their working schedule in writing at least 1 month in advance.

会社は、 各組合員に対し、1カ月以上前にスケジュールを通知すること。

6. Management obtain consent from any union member before scheduling work on weekends.


透明性について  On transparency …

7. Management provide union and local with Japanese language and English language versions of their shugyo kisoku official work rules.


8. Management immediately disclose and explain each year’s financial documents, including profit-loss statement and balance sheet.


9. Management immediately give to the union and local a copy of the contract between company and all school boards where members work.


10. Management explain in writing to the union and local the terms of the contract (“haken” or “gyomu itaku”) for each member, and how the type of contract affects the member’s work.


金銭要求 Financial Demands

11. Management end its policy of paying pro-rated salaries, with previously pro-rated salaries backdated fully to April 1, 2011.


12. Management pay full actual transportation costs to all members.


13. Management increase the salary of union members working at elementary schools to Y260,000 per month and of union members working at jr. high schools to Y290,000 per month.


14. Management put all “performance bonuses” into members’ salaries.

会社は、全組合員に対し、「皆勤手当」(”performance bonus”)を止め、その分を通常の賃金に振り替えること。

15. Management count the training days forced upon members during July as additional working days to be paid at an additional Y15,000 per day and refund full actual transportation costs.


16. Management pay a full salary for August 2011, in addition to any accrued “bonuses” taken from members’ regular salary.


17. Management pay weekend work by members at a rate of Y20,000 per day, or part thereof.


18. Management refrain from deducting any wages from any member who participates in collective bargaining during work hours.


19. Management refund all costs for medical checks required of union members.


特定の組合員についての要求事項 Demands related to Individual Members

他の要求事項 Other Demands

23. Management give 10 days paid annual leave to union members who have worked for six months (12 after 18 months, etc. according to Labor Standards Law) to be used at their own discretion, and not as management dictates.


24. Management use teacher evaluations only to help teachers further improve their performance and not let evaluations affect pay.


25. Management change our payday from the last day of the month to the 15th of every month, to coincide with monthly payments such as rent and utilities.


26. Management assign trainers with ALT experience to run training sessions.


27. Management schedule ALT meetings only between 8:30am and 3:30pm and outside lunch breaks.


28. Management arrange for all union members to have lockers at their workplaces (schools).


29. Management refrain from the practice of asking for original documentation, such as university degrees, etc.


労使の信頼関係維持について  Maintaining Relationship of Trust between Management and Union

30. Management apologize to the union and local in an email to all Borderlink employees in Japanese and English for Mr. Satoshi Okubo’s defamatory speech against unions on the second day of training (July 26, 2011).


31. Management comply with all articles of all labor laws, particularly Trade Union Law, and refrain from discriminating against or harassing any union member.


32. Management permit a union representative be present at all members’ meetings with management.


33. Management permit the union and local to conduct a 30-minutes union orientation, including passing out information, at all training sessions. Management inform the union at least four weeks in advance of the date, time and venue for all such training sessions.


34. Management sign a labor-management agreement with the union and local on the above demands.

