Hoje, os trabalhadores nas lojas da Apple no Japão anunciaram à Gerência a formação de um sindicato. O nome oficial do sindicato é Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo Sindicato Geral Local Apple Japão. O sindicato apresentou várias exigências, incluindo bônus, e terá num futuro próximo negociações coletivas com a empresa.
Les vendeurs d’Apple au Japon forment un syndicat
Aujourd’hui, les travailleurs en magasin d’Apple Japon ont annoncé à la direction la formation d’un syndicat. Le nom officiel est la cellule Apple Japan du syndicat Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union. Le syndicat a déposé ses revendications. Des négociations avec la direction auront lieu dans un futur proche.
Apple Retail Workers Unionize in Japan
Today, retail workers of Apple Japan announced the formation of a union to management. The official name of the union is Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Apple Japan Local. The union has issued demands and will have collective bargaining with the company in the near future.
Tozen Union Sues SIT over Union Busting
Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union (Tozen Union) sued Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) Thursday in the Tokyo Labor Commission, claiming the university had committed unfair labor practices.
Shane Eikaiwa Issues
Shane Eikaiwa Issues
- Are you unsatisfied with the relationship between teachers and Japanese school staff?
- Are school counsellors truthful to you about student feedback or do they obstruct you by making inept “improvement suggestions”?
- Does your school counsellor assign you very heavy schedules with only short breaks?
- Are you pressured to cover days at the last minute?
- The schedule for the next day can be changed only as late as 6 p.m the day before. Does your counsellor call you late into the night?
- Are you treated with respect from your manager?
- Do you have a problem with cover days?
- Do you have a problem with additional training days?
- Are you concerned that teacher representative only meets management twice a year and that meeting minutes are rarely seen by teachers?
- Do you want to be enrolled in Shakai Hoken?
- Are your troubled by the increase in insurance premiums to Interglobal from 7,000 yen to 8,000 yen a month which doesn’t cover dental insurance or hospitalisation?
- Are you upset that teachers are only considered to be working teaching time, not the actual time in school?
Improve your working conditions at Shane by contacting us today: info@tokyogeneralunion.org
Shane Teachers Begin Tozen Strike Action
Several teachers at Shane laid down their white board markers on Tuesday to demand the reinstatement of an unfairly dismissed union member and to demand job security.
The English language school illegally fired a teacher for leaving the school during a break. In Japan employees are 100% free during breaks.
Shane also forces teachers through the humiliation and insecurity of one-year revolving contracts. Tozen Union Shane Workers Union is fighting for several demands, among them ordinary permanent employment.
We are experiencing union growth at Shane and look forward to having enough members to make striking even more effective. We also reach out to Shane administrative staff to join forces.
Tozen Labor Union against ICC Language School
Tozen Labor Union against ICC Language School
Victory: Union Wins Labor Management Ending Labour Dispute With Gaba
Tozen and the Gaba Workers Union are proud to announce that the union and management concluded a Labour Management Agreement with Gaba Corporation on Thursday, July 24, bringing our labor dispute to a satisfactory resolution.