Interac Teachers In Kanto Enter Second Round of Collective Bargaining

Interac teachers in Kanto enter second round of collective bargaining. They’re demanding full-time permanent employment, shakai hoken, a 20% pay raise, a ¥600,000 yearly bonus, a time card, a prior consultation agreement, and a union page on the Interac employee website.

Gaba Teachers can Strike: Labor Board

Language school Gaba must recognize the right of instructors to strike, the Tokyo Labor Commission ruled today. 

Tozen Union and its local chapter Gaba Workers Union sued the language giant in 2016 to overturn warning letters issued to strikings teachers. 

Gaba has its more than one thousand teachers on private service provider contracts called gyomu itaku. The company argued that since each teacher is just a service provider, they don’t have the rights of workers under Japan’s Trade Union Act. 

The board noted that the teachers effectively qualify as workers for the purpose of that law and that the company must apologize to both unions for interfering in their strike. 

Osaka Labor Commission had previously recognized the right to collective bargaining of a union organizing teachers at Gaba (General Union). 

Management tried to overturn that ruling and argued that even IF teachers have the right to bargaining, they should not also  have the right to strike. 

In Japan, the rights to solidarity, collective bargaining, and collective action (including strikes) are enshrined as a set in Article 28 of the Constitution. 

“This is a victory for all Gaba instructors, including non-union members,” said Gaba Workers Union President Tyler Christensen.       

“It confirms what we’ve always said – Gaba instructors have the same rights as regular employees,” he added. “Now that our right to strike is secure, we look forward to getting back to the bargaining table and continuing to improve working conditions for Gaba instructors.”

The board rejected Gaba’s claim to be able to split the three rights (rodo sanken) as a theory they “just made up.”









JCFL Finally Sends Union a Stamped Apology Letter

On August 9th 2019, Tokyo High Court ruled that Japan College of Foreign Languages interfered with union leafleting in June and October of 2013, violating trade union law and the constitutional rights of Tozen Union members.  Shortly thereafter, JCFL sent an apology letter to the union in accordance with the verdict.

However, in violation of Japanese norms and common sense, JCFL did not affix their stamp.  When the union asked for a version with the stamp, JCFL ignored the letter.

Tozen Union had to take the step of filing a complaint with the Central Labor Commission charging that JCFL was in violation of the order.  Under pressure from the Central Labor Commission, JCFL has finally issued a proper apology letter to the union, over two months after the verdict was finalized.

This is just more evidence of how Tozen Union has had to fight tooth and nail to get JCFL to recognize the trade union rights of our members.  

The Tozen JCFL local, established in 2013, faced a hostile reception from the outset. At two union actions JCFL obstructed union leafleting. The union sued JCFL in the Tokyo Labor Relations Commission. On Jan 25, 2016, the commission ruled that the school had interfered with legitimate union activity and ordered the school to apologize.

JCFL appealed to the Central Labor Relations Commission, which upheld the ruling.

The school sued the government to overturn the ruling. On March 1, 2019 Tokyo District Court again ruled against JCFL. The school took the case to Tokyo High Court which rejected JCFL’s appeal.

“Rather than take responsibility from the very beginning and simply apologize, JCFL has adopted a strategy of stonewalling and endless litigation, wasting time and prolonging the inevitable,” said Tozen Senior Organizer Gerome Rothman. “JCFL has refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the union, except under court order.”

Union President Todd Williams said, “To call this a hard won victory for the union would be an understatement. It is a testament to the grit and tenacity of our members. JCFL cannot escape the consequences of its belligerence towards the union.”

Read the apology here.

英会話スクール講師が逆転勝訴 会社の有給指定に反対、雇い止めは無効

Reinstated Shane Worker Cleeve















High Court Overturns Shane Dismissal of Tozen Union Activist

The Tokyo High Court today (Oct. 9) overturned the lower court’s verdict in a dismissal case against Shane. The eikaiwa language school in 2017 fired Adam Cleeve, president of Tozen’s Shane Workers Union.

Tokyo District Court upheld the ruling and ignored union claims of strike-busting. Shane fired Adam in effect for actively participating in the union’s strike, a point not lost on the court.

Judge Murakami threw out nearly every one of Shane’s assertions, and invalidated their illegal designated paid leave system.

The court ordered Shane to pay all back wages from March 2017 until the verdict and to take Adam back to work. Shane is likely to appeal the Supreme Court, but that court is unlikely even to hear the case.

“I am excited to get back to work and resume our struggle for better working conditions,” Adam told reporters at a press conference after the verdict came down.

Tozen Union senior organizer Louis Carlet said, “A shout-out to all our members at Shane for their solidarity, tenacity and resilience thus far.”

“This is the first step in bringing about real change at Shane. Now is the time to recruit and build a force that can finally boost conditions for all teachers and counselors,” he added.

Labor Board Rules Against Shane on Two Counts, Rejects Union’s Other Claims

Wednesday, October 2nd, the Tokyo Labor Commission ruled that language school Shane Corp. committed unfair labor practices in issuing a warning letter to the president of Tozen Union’s Shane Workers Union and in reducing the class load of another member. 

The commission also ordered the school to issue an official apology to the union.

An “unfair labor practice” is a violation of the Trade Union Act.

In the same verdict, the commission rejected the union’s other union-busting claims.

Ostensibly, the warning letter was for taking a paid holiday with less than two months notice, but the commission ruled that the real reason was union activity.

Both parties have two weeks to appeal.





同年8月13日、6年後にようやく不法な妨害をしたとして JCFLは組合に対し謝罪をした。東ゼン労組の専従オルグであるジェローム・ロスマン氏は、「初めから責任を負い、単に謝罪するよりも、JCFLは妨害をし、延々と訴訟するという方法を選んだ。時間の無駄であり、免れないことを長引かせた。」と述べた。JCFLは裁判所命令がなければ、組合の正当性を認めることを拒否していた。JCFL支部執行委員長であるトッド・ウィリアムズ氏は、「これを苦労して勝ち取った組合の勝利と呼ぶには控えめすぎるかもしれません。


Tozen JCFL Local Scores Final Victory in Labor Commission

On August 9th 2019, Tokyo High Court ruled that Japan College of Foreign Languages interfered with union leafleting in June and October of 2013, violating trade union law and the constitutional rights of Tozen Union members.

The Tozen JCFL local, established in 2013, faced a hostile reception from the outset. At two union actions JCFL obstructed union leafleting. The union sued JCFL in the Tokyo Labor Relations Commission. On Jan 25, 2016, the commission ruled that the school had interfered with legitimate union activity and ordered the school to apologize.

JCFL appealed to the Central Labor Relations Commission, which upheld the ruling.

The school sued the government to overturn the ruling. On March 1, 2019 Tokyo District Court again ruled against JCFL. The school took the case to Tokyo High Court which rejected JCFL’s appeal.

On Aug 13, six years removed from the illegal obstruction, JCFL finally apologized to the union.

“Rather than take responsibility from the very beginning and simply apologize, JCFL has adopted a strategy of stonewalling and endless litigation, wasting time and prolonging the inevitable,” said Tozen Senior Organizer Gerome Rothman. “JCFL has refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the union, except under court order.”

Union President Todd Williams said, “To call this a hard won victory for the union would be an understatement. It is a testament to the grit and tenacity of our members. JCFL cannot escape the consequences of its belligerence towards the union.”

Tozen Union Opposes Police Repression of Kansai Namakon Union

Police from four prefectures are cracking down on unionized drivers of concrete mixer trucks.  

They have arrested 85 members of Kansai Namakon Union, indicting 50 of them. Ten remain in jail, including the executive president and vice president who have been locked up for nearly a year despite not even being present where the alleged crimes took place. 

Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, and Wakayama police have charged them with obstruction of business using force and attempted extortion. The union was aggressively pursuing union demands. That’s all. 

The government is test-driving its new conspiracy law to crush an activist union.  Tozen Union will never support violence or intimidation of any kind. But we cannot ignore this violation of all our union rights, guaranteed by the Constitution. 

We declare our support for Kansai Namakon Union’s struggle.  We call on the police to free all detainees immediately and to end this vicious, unconstitutional crackdown. 

Tozen Union