For Japan’s English teachers, rays of hope amid the race to the bottom

The major economic engines of Japan Inc. — car manufacturers, appliance giants and the like — have often been caught price-fixing: colluding to keep an even market share, squeeze competitors out and maintain “harmony.” Similarly, the commercial English-teaching business could be accused of wage-fixing: Rather than competing for talent, they have followed one another’s lead, driving down salaries to hamper career development, limit job mobility and keep foreign teachers firmly in their place.

We’ve all heard the tale of the scorpion and the frog. In a rising flood, the scorpion asks the frog for a piggy-back ride across the river. The frog refuses, complaining that the scorpion will sting it to death midway. The scorpion assures the frog it would do no such thing because they would both drown. The frog accepts the logic, lets the scorpion on its back and begins to swim.

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Shibaura Institute of Technology Workers on Strike

Today, the Shibaura Institute of Technology Workers Union both struck and leafleted the university. Five members of the union struck all three of their Monday lessons, from 1:00pm to 5:50pm.

This was the first day of the new semester and thus it was necessary to explain the strike to students whom the university has not made aware of its ongoing labor dispute with non-Japanese English teachers it wishes to fire and replace with Japanese-speaking English teachers.

To this end, a total of seven striking teachers and other supporters from parent-union Zenkoku Ipppan Tokyo General Union, or Tozen, leafleted the Omiya campus’s Higashi-Omiya Station bus stop from 12:20pm to 12:50pm. Reaction was positive from students and teachers alike, with many of those leafleted expressing sympathy with the unfair treatment the strikers are receiving.

The union plans to continue industrial action until the university stops stonewalling and agrees to some kind of compromise.

芝浦工業大学、講師のストは、第2週に入る SIT Teacher Strike Enters Second Week

全国一般東京ゼネラルユニオン(略称 「東ゼン労組」)
執行委員長 アンソニー・ドーラン

”We have moved into our second week striking. The encouragement and interest of the students has been really uplifting. Many students have talked to us, asked us questions, visited our website, and told us not to give up. With the students’ support, we can keep this strike going until our jobs are saved.”
Anthony Dolan President Tokyo General Union, Shibaura Institute of Technology Workers’ Union Branch

芝浦工業大学の講師は労働紛争に入った! ~ Shibaura Institute of Technology Teachers on Strike!


In 2013 Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) teachers formed the SIT Local at Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union (Tozen Union). The union started collective bargaining with the university to improve working conditions for the staff. But then suddenly the university announced that they would “change the English curriculum” and that teachers could “reapply for their jobs” next academic year. In other words, they will be fired.


Tozen Union negotiated many times to save the teachers’ jobs. Unfortunately the university has shown no sign of compromise. In response, the SIT Local has chosen to go on strike from today to protect the teachers’ jobs.


We would like everyone at SIT to support our fight.


If you work at SIT (even if you aren’t a teacher), please join the union.


If you are a student at SIT, please send a message of support for the union to the following address.


Case Officer: Louis Carlet




Phone: 090-9363-6580