Tozen ALTs Sue For Unpaid Wages

Yesterday, seven Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union ALT branch members sued Japan Advanced Labor Agency head (and JALSS Representative Director) Muhammed Ali Muhammed Mustafa (AKA Max Ali) at Tokyo District Court for a combined amount of 1,943,760 yen in unpaid wages and transportation expenses contractually owed the members while they worked for Muhammed Ali Muhammed Mustafa at the Funabashi City and Saitama City Boards of Education. Union lawyer Ken Yoshida asks the court for a provisional injunction and includes a claim for interest also to be paid at a rate of 6% yearly on top the unpaid wages.

This lawsuit is in addition to the breach of contract suit already in progress at Tokyo District Court with Muhammed Ali Muhammed Mustafa with a claim approaching 3,000,000 yen from another Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Tozen ALT member. The member previously won a favorable judgement for this claim against Mr. Mustafa at the Rodo Shimpan Labor Tribunal.

Are you an Assistant Language Teacher?

Are you unable to make ends meet because of unpaid wages, unpaid transportation expenses and dubiously documented pay deductions?

Join Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union Tozen ALTs and help us build a union at your company and BOE.

RCS ALTs Declared to Management

Today, RCS members of the Tozen ALT Branch historically declared their union membership to RCS management and submitted a list of nine demands along with a call to the company to begin collective bargaining talks with Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union on June 30, 2010 [rescheduled for July 16th, 2010 at company request].

The demands include:

Working Condition Demands 規範的部分 Kihanteki Bubun

1. Company eliminate temporary employment status for all members and recognize open-ended employment with no degradation to working conditions in order to give members job security.

2. Company eliminate piecemeal wages and institute monthly guarantees for all union members with no degradation to working conditions.

3. Company enroll all union members in unemployment insurance on the assumption of continued employment.

4. Company pay the actual transportation costs for the commute to and from work to all union members.

Are you an ALT working for RCS?

Do you want to improve the working conditions of yourself and other teachers? Take the first step towards improving your quality of life by joining the Tokyo General Union today!

Kanagawa PFT Petition

A petition addressed to the Kanagawa Prefectural Assembly, the Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture, and the Kanagawa Board of Education is being circulated by a group of concerned citizens in support of the teachers dismissed by the Kanagawa Board of Education last April, and calls for the return to direct-hiring in the schools. A copy of the petition can be downloaded from the website. To add your name, please download the petition, print it out, and, after signing it, return to the address indicated in the petition info section of the website.