Tozen Shane Workers’ Union signs Labour Management Agreement with Shane Corp.

Welcoming in the Reiwa era and the new President of Shane, Ishitani Yuya, Shane Workers’ Union are pleased to sign a Labour Management Agreement in what is hoped to be a new phase of improved relations between the Union and the Company.

The agreement guarantees the working conditions of union members and agrees to use Company paperwork when converting to permanent employment.

The agreement also defines a set of rules for collective bargaining which lays the groundwork for improved negotiations and a more timely and forthcoming approach from management.

While some issues remain unresolved, notably the official labour dispute and charges of unfair labour practices against union members, this agreement is a very positive step forward and the Union believes it is only a matter of time before a suitable settlement is negotiated and normal labour-management relations restored.

Tozen Union is featured in


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Tozen President Hifumi Okunuki

An article in features Tozen Union, detailing how our comrades in the Iceland Efling union recently invited us to their country.

Comrades Louis, Cornelia, Gerome and Adam celebrate thhe hanging of the sparkling, new Tozen sign.

Tozen Da! International comrades stand shoulder to shoulder.

Tozen Welcomes Begunto

Tozen Union would like to welcome Berlitz General Union Tokyo (Begunto), who recently voted to join us. Begunto has a long, illustrious history as a fighting union  going back a quarter century. It is an honor to count them now among our ranks.


Begunto, the Berlitz union.


If you work for Berlitz and have any questions at all, feel free to contact Begunto here.



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Hifumi Okunuki travels to Iceland to show solidarity.

Tozen President, Hifumi Okunuki and Chief Financial Officer, Louis Carlet  travelled to Iceland in March to show solidarity with Efling trade union.


Interviewed by Iceland’s Channel 2 news, the article from Visir, the Icelandic newspaper says –

Hifumi Okunuki, president of the Japanese trade union, Tozen, traveled from Tokyo to show solidarity to those who are on strike in Iceland. She says immigrants in Japan are struggling with similar problems as in Iceland.

“There are an amazing and numerous number of strikes here in Iceland. We felt it was important to witness this, ”said Okunuki, whose words were interpreted from Japanese to English in an interview with Heim Pétursson.

Immigrants in Japan also face difficulties. They think the problems there are similar to those here.

“We flew nine thousand miles to show our strength of solidarity.”

Flugu níu þúsund kílómetra til að sýna Eflingu samstöðu

Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason skrifar 8. mars 2019 11:32

Hifumi Okunuki, forseti japanska verkalýðsfélagsins Tozen, ferðaðist frá Tókýó til að sýna þeim sem fara í verkfall á Íslandi samstöðu. Hún segir innflytjendur í Japan glíma við sambærileg vandamál og á Íslandi.

„Þetta er magnað og fjölmennt verkfall hér á Íslandi. Okkur fannst mikilvægt að verða vitni að þessu,“ sagði Okunuki en túlkur þýddi orð hennar jafnóðum úr japönsku yfir á ensku í viðtali við Heimi Má Pétursson.

Innflytjendur í Japan glími einnig við erfiðleika. Þau telja vandamálin þar svipuð þeim hérna.

„Við flugum níu þúsund kílómetra til að sýna Eflingu samstöðu.“

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Tozen Chalks Op Another Win Against JCFL

Yet another win for Tozen, get ready for our next victory.

Tokyo District Court on Thursday ruled against JCFL (Bunsai Gakuen) and in favor of Tozen Union members teaching there.  The verdict upheld earlier decisions saying the JCFL illegally obstructed union leafleting in front of the school.
The court dismissed the school’s claims that the action endangered the safety of students arriving at the gate.  JCFL’s posting of staffers outside was a clear attempt to hurt the union’s image in the eyes of other workers/potential recruits, the ruling said.
JCFL has a fortnight to submit an appeal to Tokyo High Court.