Employment agency faces charges for evading 120 million yen in consumption tax

A Tokyo employment agency and its president face charges for evading approximately 120 million yen in consumption tax, taxation authorities said.

The Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau filed accusations with prosecutors against Tokyo Business Corp. (TBC) and its president, 82-year-old Shigemi Ikari, on suspicion of violating the Consumption Tax Law.

TBC under-reported the amount of consumption tax it was supposed to pay by about 120 million yen over a three-year period up to March 2007, taxation officials said.

TBS dispatches computer engineers to financial institutions and computer companies to help them develop programs. The company has increased its sales over the past five years by 30 percent, and its sale figure came to over 2.2 billion yen in the business year of 2007, according to a credit research agency.
