Reemployment offers likely for half of Nova staff, teachers

Nagoya-based G. communication Group, which will take over business operations of the failed English-language school chain Nova Corp., announced Monday it had issued unofficial job offers to 1,760 foreign teachers and Japanese staff formerly employed by Nova.

G. communication plans to issue job offers to a further 694 people from Nova who have registered their desire to be reemployed, meaning about half of the about 4,900 workers employed by Nova when the firm filed for court protection under the Corporate Rehabilitation Law stand to gain reemployment.

G. communication’s subsidiary G. education Co., which operates cram schools and will take over Nova’s operations, will begin offering lessons at 30 Nova branches from Wednesday.

About 3,500 people attended briefings about reemployment held by Nova on Friday and Saturday. Of these, 1,548 foreign teachers and 212 Japanese employees were given unofficial job offers.

Some of the further 694 people who requested reemployment are seeking positions with G. communication affiliates.

Furthermore, as G. communication received inquiries from some foreign teachers and Japanese staff who did not attend the briefings held last week, the number of people to be reemployed with the firm and its affiliates is likely to increase.

G. communication plans to assign 10 to 15 foreign teachers to each Nova branch, and expects to reopen more than 100 Nova branches before the end of this year.