Nova schools to be reopened with new jobs, fee system

Nagoya-based G.communication Group will begin offering lessons at 30 Nova branches from next week, in the first stage of a plan to take over operations at 200 branches of the failed English-language school chain over the coming year, it was learned Wednesday.

G.communication will reopen the schools using the established Nova brand name and also plans to employ administrative staff and foreign teachers formerly employed by Nova.

G.communication, which operates language schools, restaurant chains and other businesses, was selected by preservative administrators of Nova Corp. to act as a sponsor company for operations of the firm.

G.communication’s wholly owned subsidiary, Co., which operates cram schools, will undertake the operation of the former Nova schools.

During an interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun in Nagoya, Masaki Inayoshi, 38, chairman and president of G.communication Co., said the firm would offer explanatory briefings and interviews at venues across the nation on Friday and Saturday for former Nova employees and foreign teachers seeking reemployment.

The reopening of 30 schools precedes G.communication’s planned resumption of operations at 200 Nova schools, in stages, over a six-month to one year period.

Inayoshi indicated the firm would employ about 2,000 teachers and about 500 administrative staff under this plan.

The firm will abolish the system under which students paid tuition fees to Nova in advance, introducing instead a system in which students pay fees on a monthly basis.

The 30 schools G.communication has selected to reopen next week are all branches where Nova had offered lessons for both children and adults.