Labor body hopes to grill Nova chief on pay missteps

An Osaka labor standards watchdog wants to question the president of scandal-hit English-language school chain Nova Corp. over delayed wage payments, but meanwhile four executives of the firm have resigned because they can’t get ahold of their boss, Nova said Wednesday.

The Osaka Central Labor Standards Supervision Office has quizzed foreign teachers and other Nova employees about the delays, and wants to hear from President Nozomu Sahashi, suspecting a violation of the Labor Standards Law.

A union representing Nova’s foreign teachers said the firm has failed to pay wages to some 2,000 Japanese employees since July and to about 4,000 foreign teachers since September, and wages that were supposed to have been paid on Oct. 15 are on indefinite hold.

Meanwhile, three Nova auditors and the chain’s longest-serving director have submitted their resignations.

Meanwhile, three Nova auditors and the chain’s longest-serving director have submitted their resignations.

The four are believed to have resigned because they were unable to get in touch with Sahashi. Their departure could have a serious impact on management and Nova’s ability to disclose financial statements.

Nova shut down several schools after student enrollment declined sharply after the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry issued a partial business suspension order in June. The order was given to punish the school for running false advertisements about its services and refund policy.