Firm reneges on promised jobs for Nova teachers

National Union of General Workers Tokyo Nambu, a Tokyo-based labor union [and predecessor of Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union] whose ranks include many ex-Nova teachers, also decried’s sudden announcement.

“It was all very sudden. It was a big shock to people,” said Catherine Campbell, who is currently in charge of the Nova case at the union. “They don’t know what they are going to do.”

According to Campbell, teachers were notified of’s decision last Friday via e-mail.

She criticized for breaking its promise and for the timing of its bad news, coming when many job aspirants had returned to their homes overseas for Christmas.

They had hoped to come back to Japan and work, but now that the jobs they were expecting are unlikely to materialize, they may find themselves unable to pay the rent for their apartments full of their belongings, she said.

Yujiro Hiraga, president of [Zenkoku Ippan Tokyo General Union’s predecessor] National Union of General Workers Tokyo Nambu, said the union will seek collective bargaining because has not provided a clear explanation for its decision.