Historic Collective Bargaining with Interac

October 28, 2005
Nambu and the Nambu Interac Branch held its first ever collective bargaining with Interac management on Friday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 pm.

Management sent Mr. Maeda, the general manager of the president’s office and two other managers to refuse all 12 union demands. The company insisted gyomu-itaku ALT contracts with the school boards are legal and refused to discuss anything other than the 12 demands, even to discuss why the branch submitted such demands and why they are important to union members. Maeda insisted that their answer is no and that was that and refused even to agree to another round of collective bargaining.

It became clear that union pressure over several months, including two demonstrations and appeals to school boards forced Interac management to the table and they were not happy about it. Maeda-san was apparently shaking with outrage at the indignity of having to discuss working conditions of workers with the workers themselves.

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